
A megadiverse country with habitats ranging from the arid plains of the Pacific coastal region in the west to the peaks of the Andes mountains extending from the north to the southeast of the country to the tropical Amazon Basin rainforest in the east with the Amazon river.Peru is the third largest country in South America. Peruvian territory was home to several ancient cultures, most notably the Inca Empire. The main spoken language is Spanish, although a significant number of Peruvians speak Quechua languages, Aymara, or other Indigenous languages. This mixture of cultural traditions has resulted in a wide diversity of expressions in fields such as art, cuisine, literature, and music.

This video is a summary of a spiritual yoga retreat, combining yoga with ancient shamanic healing practices, co-organized by Zuzka Bartakova and Martina Dolezalova. The retreat took place partially at Amazon Yoga Center – Casa Amazon in Puerto Maldonado, and partially (the longer part) in Tambopata, at an eco lodge of the Ese Eja community by the lake Tres Chimbadas, from where we took walks also to the National Reserve.

This video depicts the best of Central Peruvian Jungle in the area of Chachamayo, Junín as well as the only Austrian-German colony in the world, Oxapampa, Pozuzo (and Prussia). Waterfalls, blue lagoons, beautiful landscape, farming, coffee plantations and artisanal chocolate, visits of local native communities, learning about their lives and arts, what more could one ask for?

This video is a drone work of Luis Jhong Raffo, who is a guide in the Peruvian desert of Ica, depicting at various locations in the desert my humble mystic dance honouring the Earth and Nature. The moves were brought about in deep contemplation thanks to the vibes of the beautiful desert which is laced with history, ancient cultures, precious stones and healing potentials.

Hornillos and Tinco – Shamanic Rituals by Two Waterfalls

La Isla Blanca – Chimbote

Beach Yoga Session with the Huella Verde Perú

Sacred Valley, Lake Titicaca, Canyon Colca, Arequipa

Nazca, Ica, Paracas

Spiritual Retreat in Tambopata Reserve

Beach Life in Peru by the Pacific – cycling, yoga, painting, writing, chilling

A video in Spanish on the benefits of Yoga

Peruvian Artisanal Clothing

IntiRumi – An Exceptional Boutique Hotel and Restaurant in Caraz

Agave Liquor Distillery in the Andes of Caraz

Sandboarding – Learning a New Sport

Chinese New Year of Rat 2020 – Chimbote

The beaches of Chimbote

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